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Pagoda Black Tea (2020)

From Yunnan, China

・Honey, brown sugar, or sweet potatoes aroma.

​・Crispy mouth touch. Beautiful dark orange-amber water color.

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Sencha Green Tea

From Yame, Fukuoka

・Aroma of fresh glass a fresh glass and a hint of flower.

​・ The mouth touch is creamy, and it has a medium body of umami. It goes down throat very smoothly.

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Pure Gold  Dianhong Tea

From Yunnan, China 2020

・Has a modest aroma like you are in a forest with a hint of blue flowers, caramel, and apricot.

・The mouth touch is toasty sweet.

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Black Tea

From Yame, Fukuoka

・Roasted honey with a bit of cool citrusy hint aroma.

​・Toasty sweet mouth touch. It has a unique body that you may also be able to feel with Japanese sencha green tea.

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